Grant Recipient Justin Scott
Justin Scott has given 14 years of service with the Converse County Sheriff's Office in Wyoming and received the Combat Cross, the Life-Saving Cross twice, and the Distinguished Service Award. He medically retired as the Undersheriff of Converse County, Wyoming after he was involved in a high-speed pursuit crash with a suspect, from which he was severely injured and developed PTSD. When we awarded him the grant, he said, “What you guys are doing is amazing. Your generosity will assist me while I attend the University of Wyoming. School starts next week.” He hopes to study organizational and outdoor leadership so he can continue to be a productive member of his community and help with remote backcountry experiences. Justin also provided us with these photos: one with his wife Kylea Scott in the Snowy Mountain Range and one of him as Undersheriff at Natural Bridge Park with the disclaimer that he didn’t love wearing the cowboy hat, but he does follow the code of the west. We are grateful he’s allowed us to share his story, and hope to stay in touch so we can see him thrive in his community!